
High Performance Computing Cluster Facility

The High Performance Computing Cluster facility is available to the researchers of Chemistry Department through their research guide. The computing facility is funded by Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India under FIST Program.

Publications by HPCC Users

  • Leena Aggarwal; Sayan Karmakar; Parbati Biswas, Differentially heterogeneous hydration environment of the familial mutants of α-synuclein, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 155102 (2024)
  • Priyanka Aggarwal, Ram Kuntal Hazra, Bharti Kapil, Shivalika Sharma, Igor Di Marco, Analytical treatment of the Yukawa screened Coulomb interaction in a plane-wave basis, Physics Open 22 (2025) 100243

List of Analytical, Computational, and Statistical Packages available:

  • Amber
  • Gaussian
  • Mathematica
  • NAMD
  • Olex2

How to Connect Cluster

Users may login from anywhere at Delhi University LAN/WAN and public network (through DU VPN) simply by doing ssh command or can use Putty. “Windows Desktop Connection” or “MobaXterm” can be used for GUI mode access.

ssh user_name@
user_name@’s password:

How to Submit Job

sbatch is used to submit a job script for later execution. The script will typically contain one task or (if required) multiple srun commands to launch parallel tasks.

Sample Script:


#SBATCH –job-name=testjob

#SBATCH –nodes=1

#SBATCH –ntasks=1

#SBATCH –time=00:05:00

srun sleep 600

For any technical help you may contact Mr. Imran Ghani, Sr. System Programmer on E-mail: ighani[at]ducc[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in