Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Peptide synthesis, PNA technology, antisense approach and combinatorial chemistry

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Bio-inorganic chemistry , bio- mimetic oxidation chemistry mediated by transition metal ions, catalysis, supermolecular and coordination chemistry.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Theoretical and Fundamental Electrochemistry of Complex Systems, Theoretical Polymer Physics

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Multi- stranded DNA structures, anti gene, antisense strategies, biomolecular interactions, drug DNA interactions using biophysical and biochemical methods.

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Design and synthesis of genotoxic and non genotoxic anticancer agents trixanes, tetraoxanes, and trioxane/tetraoxane aminoquinoline based modular molecules as antimalarial agents process development of novel drugs and drug intermediates, developments of new catalysts, heterocyclic and supermolecular chemistry.

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Organic synthesis, Bio-catalysis, Chemistry of natural products, Nucleic acid chemistry, Polymer synthesis, and Nanotechnology

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Develoment of homogeneous catalysts for metal mediated organic transformations with special emphasis on their preparation, structure, reactivity, and applications in organic transformations, investigation of the structure, reactivity and the bonding aspects of non- metal rings and cages that would find applications as, for example non-ionic bases and super-bases in organic transformations.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Bio physical chemistry of protiens and DNA, protein- DNA interactions, drug-DNA delivery.

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Development of novel antimalarials, antimicrobial agents and peripheral functionalization of porphyrins and biomimetic metallo-porphyrins to develop new photo-therapeutic agents for photodynamic therapy applications.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Multiscale modelling and stimulations at the nanoscale, statistical theory of protein folding and combinatorial protein design; Statistical designs and molecular dynamics stimulation of bio polymers such as proteins , DNA and membranes; statistical mechanics and dynamics of branched polymers and polymer networks; rheology of complex fluids.

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Material syntheis (bulk and thin film), structural characterization and transport property measurements , structure- property relationship in solid and thin films.

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Synthesis of new materials (mesoporous , microporous and nanoscale) crystal strucure evaluation, structure property relationships , oxide-ion conductors and photocatalysts of environmental remediation.

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Design of Benzotriozole based novel and inexpensive ligands for copper and palladium-catalyzed C-n(N-arylation ), C-S (S-Arylation) C-C (Suzuki Sonogashira and Heck) coupling reactions; Regeoselective tandem synthesis of variety of poly hetrocycles natural products and π- conjugated organic materials by copper and palladium catalyzed reactions, Metal catalyzed synthesis of natural products like scaffolds by the tandom/cascade reaction

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Synthesis and characterization of novel heterocyclic compounds and their applications as fluorescent sensors, multi-stimuli responsive materials, advanced organic materials, and medicinal applications

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Design and synthesis of biologically active 1,4-Dihydro -pyridines Azasugars, Alkaloids etc. and their applications as metal sensors and Bio-imaging.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Physical Chemistry, Material Science, Nanomedicine, Biophotonics

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Energy storage and conversion devices (Fuel Cells , Photovoltaic cells and Super-Capacitors),Characterization of nano-structure materials and thin-films.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Biophysical Chemistry, Polymer behaviour in coexisting liquid phases . Thermodynamic properties of non-electrolyte systems.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Preparation, characterizations of applications of Metals/ Ceramics / Polymeric/ Magnetic nanoparticles

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Crystal Engineering, Nanomolecular Structural Chemistry, Synthesis of polyoxometalates as molecular magnets, lanthanoid Chemistry, Catalysis, Single molecule magnets (SMM), Electrochemistry

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Immobilization of biocatalysts and Organocatalysts , assymetric catalysis, synthesis of biologically active natural products and their analogues.

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Nano chemistry; Novel nanomaterials for energy research & applications; Nanomaterials for catalyst; Multifunctional materials; Hybrid nanocrystals; Inorganic chemistry

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Bio organic Chemistry , enzyme assisted reactions and microwave assisted Chemistry

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Metal and nonmetal catalyse synthesis of Arenes and Hetroarenes, Nucleoside Modification and Microwave assisted Synthesis

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Catalysis, Bioinorganic and coordination chemistry

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: C-H Bond activation and functionalization, Design and development of novel synthetic strategies/new chemical reactivity, Metal-catalyzed Cascade/Tandem/Domino reactions, Synthesis of biologically significant heterocycles and natural products.

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Polymer Synthesis , Orgenomettalic Chemistry

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Exploration of tunneling and co-tunneling of heavy fermions of quantum dots emerging Kondo-effect at low-temperature

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Novel solution-based synthesis to develop new electrode materials for Lithium ion, Sodium ion and Zinc ion rechargeable batteries (Energy Storage). Studies of safety of Na-ion and Li-ion batteries. Electrochemistry. Solid State Chemistry.

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Non-covalent interactions, energy-storage materials, osmolytes’ effect on the stability and function of chemical/biological systems

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Development of novel small heterocyclic molecules as potent anticancer, antimalarial and antibacterial agents. Design and synthesis of Metallic nanoparticles for applications in organic chemistry and drug delivery in cancer cell lines.

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials, photocatalysis, wastewater purification, dry reforming of methane, CO2 reduction for hydrogen production, Direct conversion of methane to methanol.

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Chemical biology of carbohydrate-based molecules, Development of small organic molecules as anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial agents, Organic Synthesis, and Prebiotic Chemistry

Specialisation: Inorganic
Research Area: Materials Chemistry: synthesis and characterization of new inorganic materials for clean and sustainable energy storage and conversion

Specialisation: Physical
Research Area: Bridging membrane biophysics and interfacial chemistry to develop bio-inspired self-assemblies on sensor interfaces for analyzing the complex molecular interactions of cellular membranes

Specialisation: Organic
Research Area: Investigation and Development of Organic Semiconductors for Organic Optoelectronic Devices (e.g., OLED, OFET, OECT, OSC, sensors etc.)