Professor Raj Kishore Sharma

Prof. Raj Kishore Sharma is an Electrochemical Materials Scientist and for the past over 25 years he is been working in interdisciplinary themes of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science. His research interest includes Energy Storage and Conversion Devices like Fuel Cells, Photovoltaic Cells and Supercapacitors and Sensors. He specializes in the area of the chemical and electrochemical growth, characterization of nano-structured materials and thin films for various applications. He has authored about 135 research article in various scientific journal of international repute. He is serving as subject editor in different Journals. Before joining the Chemistry Department, Raj has been working in various international laboratories and has more than seven years of overseas research experience in different places including University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Central Florida, USA and Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He was honored with Young Scientist award by International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) in 2001 and also received ICREA Junior researcher award from Government of Spain in 2007. Recently he is conferred Prof S.T. Nandibewoor Award by Indian Council of Chemists and has been listed in two 2% scientist internationally. He is serving as Dean Research and Joint Director Research and Development Cell, Delhi University. He is the Visitors nominee to Assam Central University.
Selected Publications:
- Sahu V.; Marichi R. B.; Singh G.; Sharma R. K. Electrochim Acta. 2017, 240, 146.
- Sahu V.; Singh G.; Patnaik S. and Sharma R. K. Materials & Design 2017, 132, 295.
- Sahu V.; S. Goel.; Sharma R. K. and Singh G. Electrochim Acta 2017, 230, 255.
- Lalwani S.; Sahu V.; Marichi R. B.; Singh G. and Sharma R. K. Electrochim.Acta. 2017, 224, 517.
- Sahu V.; Mishra M.; Gupta G.; Singh G. and Sharma R. K. ACS Sustainable Chem. Engg 2017, 5, 450.
- Marichi R. B.; sahu, V.; Lalwani, S.; Mishra M.; Gupta G.; Sharma R. K. and Singh G. J. Power Sources 2016, 325, 762.
- Grover S.; Goel S.; Marichi R.. B.; Sahu V.; Singh G. and Sharma R. K. Electrochimica Acta. 2016, 196, 131.
- Sahu V.; Marichi R.B.; Singh G. and Sharma R. K. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5 , 8747.
- Sahu V.; Goel S.; Sharma R. K. and Singh G. Nanoscale 2016, 7 , 20642.
- Sharma R. K.; Grover S.; Sahu V.; Goel S. and Singh G. ACS Sustainable Chem. Engg. 2015, 3, 1460