Professor Satish K. Awasthi
(Senior Professor and Head of the Department)

Dr. Satish K. Awasthi joined the Department of Chemistry as Reader in 2002 and currently working as a Senior Professor. He received his doctorate degree from University of Allahabad in 1991 under the supervision of Professor Krishna Misra. After completing his doctorate degree, he taught undergraduate classes for a short period. He received DBT Research Associateship in 1993 and moved to Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He worked there with Professor P. Balaram at Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU). During his stay at IISc, he worked on denovo design of ?-hairpin peptides. While working at MBU, he got an opportunity to work with Professor Peter E Nielsen, The Panum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark in newly emerging and promising area “Antisense properties of peptide-nucleic acids (PNA)” and published several research articles. In 2001, he moved to USA and joined Department of Pharmacology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, New Jersey. Later, he joined University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Worcester where he worked on design and synthesis of small molecules targeted to Cyclin dependent kinase-9(CDK-9) and Tat-TAR interaction. Dr Awasthi is recipient of several international research fellowship awards viz. Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) – UNICEF Fellowship Award 1997, ICMR International Fellowships for Young Bio-medical Scientist 2008 and INSA-Exchange Visiting Scientist Award 2010. He is life members of several scientific organization in India. His current research interest includes design of small molecules which could be used as antibacterial, antimalarial and antifilarial compounds as well as X-rays analysis of small molecules.
Selected Publications:
- Yadav N; Sharma C. and Awasthi S. K. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 54.
- Dixit S. K; Mishra N; Sharma M; Singh S; Agarwal A; Awasthi S. K. and Bhasin V. K. Eur J Med Chem. 2012, 51, 52-59.
- Awasthi S. K.; Mishra N.; Dixi S. K.; Alka M.; Yadav S. S. and Rathur S. Am. J Trop. Med. & Hyg 2009, 80, 764 2009.
- Mishra N.; Arora P.; Mishra B.; Mishra L. C.; Bhattacharya A.; Awasthi S. K. and Bhasin V. K. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2008, 43, 1530.
- Awasthi S. K. and Nielsen P. E. High Throughput Screen 2002, 5, 253.
- Good, L.; Awasthi S. K.; Dryselius, R.; Larsson O. and Nielsen P. E. Nature Biotechnology 2001, 19, 360, 2001.
- Karle L.; Awasthi S. K and Balaram P. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 1996, 93, 8189.