Dr. Mahipal Yadav
(Assistant Professor)

Mahipal Yadav was born and raised in a small village (Prithvipura) in Haryana, India. After completing his school education from the surrounding rural region, he obtained B.Sc. degree from Govt. P.G. College, Narnaul (Haryana) in 2006. Afterwards, he completed M.Sc. in Chemistry from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology (GJUS&T), Hisar in 2008. During his Master’s, he developed research interest in Organic Chemistry inspired by one of his Organic Chemistry Professor, Dr. Devinder Kumar. To fulfill his dreams in research, he joined the Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM-CSIR) – Jammu, India, where he obtained his Ph.D. (awarded by University of Jammu) in Synthetic Organic Chemistry in 2016 under the joint supervision of Dr. Ram A. Vishwakarma and Prof. Satya Paul (University of Jammu). During Ph.D. research, Mahipal majorly worked on the chemical biology of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor analogues and published his work in highest reputation journals like “Cell”. In Oct. 2016, he joined The Scripps Research Institute, California, USA, as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Ram Krishnamurthy. In the Krishnamurthy Lab, Mahipal’s work mainly focused on understanding the chemical evolution of life, particularly the implications of synthetic organic chemistry in understanding the proto-metabolic pathways on early earth. Some of Mahipal’s postdoc work was highlighted by NASA Astrobiology (https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/no-catalyst-no-problem/). In October 2021, Mahipal moved back to India and worked in a couple of pharmaceutical industries i.e. PI industries Ltd. in Udaipur, and Aragen Life Sciences, Hyderabad, where he led a team of scientists to help in developing new chemical entities for crop protection.
In July 2023, Mahipal joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Delhi as an Assistant Professor. His current research interest lies in the areas chemical biology of carbohydrate-based molecules, and development of small organic molecules as anticancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial agents.
Selected Publications:
- Sunil Pulletikurti$, Mahipal Yadav$, Greg Springsteen, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy; Prebiotic Synthesis of α-Amino Acids and Orotate from α-Ketoacids Potentiates Transition to Extant Metabolic Pathways; Nat. Chem., 2022, 14, 1142-1150. ${Authors contributed equally}.
- Mahipal Yadav$, Sunil Pulletikurti$, Jayasudhan R Yerabolu, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy; Cyanide as a Primordial Reductant enables a Protometabolic Reductive Glyoxylate Pathway; Nat. Chem., 2022, 14, 170-178. ${Authors contributed equally}.
- R Trent Stubbs$, Mahipal Yadav$, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, Greg Springsteen; A Plausible Metal-Free Ancestral Analogue of the Krebs Cycle Composed Entirely of a-Ketoacids Nat. Chem., 2020, 12, 1016-1022. ${Authors contributed equally}.
- Mahipal Yadav, Ravi Kumar, Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy; Chemistry of abiotic nucleotide synthesis; Chem. Rev., 2020, 120, 4766-4805.
- Riya Raghupathy, Anupama Ambika Anilkumar, Anirban Polley, Parvinder Pal Singh, Mahipal Yadav, Charles Johnson, Sharad Suryawanshi, Varma Saikam, Sanghapal D Sawant, Aniruddha Panda, Zhongwu Guo, Ram A Vishwakarma, Madan Rao, Satyajit Mayor; Transbilayer lipid interactions mediate nanoclustering of lipid-anchored proteins; Cell, 2015, 161, 581-594.
- Mahipal Yadav, Riya Raghupathy, Varma Saikam, Saidulu Dara, Parvinder Pal Singh, Sanghapal D Sawant, Satyajit Mayor, Ram A Vishwakarma; Synthesis of non-hydrolysable mimics of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors; Org. Biomol. Chem., 2014, 12, 1163-1172.
- Varma Saikam, Riya Raghupathy, Mahipal Yadav, Veeranjaneyulu Gannedi, Parvinder Pal Singh, Naveed A Qazi, Sanghapal D Sawant, Ram A Vishwakarma; Synthesis of new fluorescently labeled glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors; Tetrahedron Lett., 2011, 52, 4277-4279.